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Air Translator

A translation mobile app that instantly connects users to a network of translators & interpreters globally. This involves designing for international users in different languages. The basic software capabilities were built but with less focus on the user. With the launch of the product, I worked with the founders to re-design the software, website, & branding. 

Design Objective

• Re-design the website with more focus on acquiring new customers

• Improve mobile user interfaces paying attention to user experience

• Consulting the start-up in product design


Mobile, website, UX, UI, product design, infographic, graphic design, illustration, print

The product needed to take a more human centered design approach & we mapped the users & found user objectives through research. I found the problem was that many translators were signing up to earn income but not enough clients signed up needing translators. So we designed the platform to be as user-friendly as possible for the client side, adding features to interest clients through content & expertise. Regularly, I designed visuals to show the diversity of our global users to ensure client trust in the product’s expertise. The outcome is that user base grew in locations where the app was not previously used.

Website mock-ups & infographics used in promoting the product

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