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The Brief

A critical design project exploring the uncertain future of technological advancement through questioning the narrow assumptions of how objects are designed & used where products, technologies, services & systems are all materialized with embedded moral values & social biases. It is vital for the audience to experience a dilemma, & to carry a burden of interpretation.

Sensible Objects are interactive data visualizers that make you aware of your connection to the internet & provokes interaction through various characters.


Each object calls for interaction after some voice data is sent to the cloud through the emotion thermostat. If there is no interaction detected, the object will shut off the internet to protect you from sending more data unconsciously. This is so that it can tell if you are home or engaged in an activity that you won’t need internet for. For example, if you are having a house party & an object calls for interaction but you are having too much fun actually interacting with your guests, then the object senses no need to record voice data & send it to the cloud so it will shut off connection until you interact with it again.

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